Content & Experience Marketing
Effective digital marketing requires the utilization of current content that is in line with what your target demographic is looking for. At Local View, our team of expert copywriters and copy editors know how to use the written word to draw in potential leads, making your site and post serve as an effective form of passive advertising.
How it Works

Assign and Write Topics
There is no more planning from this point forward. Assign the articles to your marketing team and get them ready for review. A word of caution the earlier you do this, the better. The last thing you need is to have your entire publication schedule messed up due to a sick day.
Content & Experience Marketing
Seo Reporting
tax free
Get key insights sent to your inbox every week to monitor your website’s performance.
Local View will: Run SEO Audits on your website to provide data on organic ranking
Provide a weekly report on 10 keywords with competitor analysis included
Provide a weekly backlink report Competitor Analysis and Performance
Seo Reporting Web Service
tax free
Improve your online ranking w/ Search Engine Optimization
Local View will: Hold a monthly strategy meeting with you to discuss goals, performance, & more
Perform keyword research for your website using SEO Tools & Competitor Data
Perform & Assist in On-Site & Off-Site Optimization for both desktop & mobile.
Assist in creation of a Content & Social Media Strategy for your website.
Provide weekly SEO Reports delivered directly to your inbox
Premium Backlinks Service
tax free
Have premium backlinks acquired with pricing you control & new articles written specifically for you.
Local View will: Provide relevant articles written for your link building campaign
Provide links to relevant websites within your budget
Create a campaign with customizable price & metrics
Match your campaign with a large pool of relevant sites who will compete to place your content
Send weekly backlinks reports directly to your inbox